April 24, 2011


Rice-Krispy Treat Eggs
Golden Eggs
Chocolate Eggs
Candy-Filled Eggs
Money Eggs

We each colored one special egg
for every person in our family.

We spent Saturday afternoon
eating yummy food and Egg hunting
at a friend's house.
It was a perfect day for an egg-hunt.

So many eggs!
I think they each found
30 filled eggs.
My boys were so excited
to carry a basket overflowing with candy and eggs.

The Easter Bunny came the next morning.
There were kites in our Easter baskets
and eggs hidden in the backyard.
The dollar inside each Golden egg . . .

That evening,
we went to another friend's house
for dinner and another egg hunt.
But no pictures.

It was a completely Egg-filled fun weekend.

(And maybe I should say,
amongst all the egg-citement of eggs,
we did talk about the real meaning of Easter
and read some beautiful stories of Jesus, too.)
Stefanie Hyer said...

Yay! I love it! Glad you guys had so much fun on Easter! Do you guys count your eggs, or just get as many as you can?