January 18, 2011

On the Court

Kacin is so happy basketball season has started.
He loves it.
He's been talking about playing basketball
for over a year now.
Once he got rid of his first-game jitters,
he had a blast running around
and he was so proud he shot a basket.
Kyler still says soccer is his number one,
but he's loving basketball
and playing well with his team.
He has some awesome coaches
who are teaching him well and helping him have fun.
Go Wolverines and Dragons!
Stefanie Hyer said...

Awe! Go team go! That sounds like so much fun! Glad they get to do that and be on on teams, learn and play sports! Good for them! I bet you are an awesome cheerleader! hmmm maybe pom poms are in order!

Barb said...

They must have gotten their love of basketball from me. I waited and waited for the season to start, and game days are happy days.