January 31, 2011

New Chore Charts

My old system for the boys chores was working great.
I actually loved it.
But I just felt like mixing it up a bit.
So we're giving this a try for awhile.
I printed out and laminated a personalized checklist for each of us.
The top section lists the things each of us needs to do daily.
On the boys cards,
the bottom section is a list of ten House Help jobs--
one for each week day over a two week period.
Basically, the idea is that in the morning,
after they finish the top section,
I choose a House Help job from their list.
We mark it off.
By the end of the two weeks
they've done all the jobs once.
But that does mean that I put empty the dishwasher on there twice
because that needs to be done a lot more than once a week.
On my card,
I listed the cleaning jobs that I need to do weekly and bi-weekly.
So I can have the satisfaction of checking a box when I do the laundry
and help to prevent myself from skipping the showers.
Darcee said...

You are such a good momma.

Miss you guys!!!

Stefanie Hyer said...

Love it! im excited for when i can make some for my boys! i have a list too... laundry is on it as an everday job for me. that way it is quick and easy to start a load or fold laundry and it is always done!