October 25, 2021

baby girl at seven months and eight and goodbye

Sorting through pictures for this post brought my heartache to the surface. My grief is still so raw and fresh. I miss this beautiful baby with all my heart. Sure, I can probably rationalize a lot of other feelings, too. But I feel like I belong in my grief right now. I feel so sad. I miss her.

Here are pictures of her at seven and eight months, and the moments in between.

Layla took this picture while she played house with K in the clubhouse. Just an everyday picture.

She became such a mover between seven and eight months. Army crawling everywhere. Getting up on hands and knees and rocking.

A sleeping baby is so precious.

These two had such a special bond. Brinn could always get the biggest belly laughs out of her.

These two had another incredible bond. Kacin is such a caring, sweet big brother. 

It was so hard to get her to hold still for this photo shoot. She was crawling and rolling everywhere. I finally gave her the toy that allowed me to take a few pictures.

And she also recently discovered that she can take off her headbands. She would only keep them on for a few minutes before ripping them off.

The last few days with her were filled with lots of snuggles with each of us.

I love how Perry calls her "Baby Cutes." Such a sweet name for her.

We got a call from grandma and grandpa, too. 

The sweet image of Brinn with K was a moment of heaven on earth.

We also played a game that Layla came up with. She put K in the middle of our circle and we played “who will baby crawl to?” Grayson was the winner.

We love you, baby girl, more than we could ever express. You have been a light in our lives these last 8 months. You brought so much joy and tenderness to our home. You are the most easygoing, happy baby there ever could be. You are a pure delight. You will always be our little girl.