July 3, 2021

ordinary days that I love

A monsoon storm rolled in this evening. 
We had run to Lowe’s to get a few things and when we stepped out you could feel it coming and smell it in the air. The wind was blowing, the heat wasn’t as intense, and dark clouds were in the distance. There is nothing more thrilling than an Arizona monsoon on its way!

After our dinner, the weather was about the same and I knew we needed to take advantage of cooler temps and go on a bike ride. I loaded the baby and Brinna into the bucket bike. Layla grabbed her bike. We started to pedal. We were only a block away when I literally got a single huge raindrop directly in my left eye. Then another drop on my arm. And another on my leg. Part of me wanted to keep riding through the neighborhood in the rain, but I couldn’t let my baby get caught in a downpour so we circled right back around and went home.

The girls went to bed and I settled in to a chair on the back balcony. Lightening flashed in the distance to my right and to the left was a fire works show. I breathed in and out. I marveled at my view. I prayed to Heavenly Father a prayer of much gratitude and, also, pleading for help with some things. I let myself be still and observe the trees and the clouds and the shadows. A gentle rain started to fall intermittently from the sky.

Like a game of sardines, one by one the boys in the house found me. Soon we were all getting a little wet and enjoying the perfect summer weather and the fireworks in the distance. 

Kacin ran downstairs and came back with two basketballs. From the balcony, he tried to shoot to the hoop below and make a basket. He threw too hard. Eric gave it a go and was too far to the left. Perry wanted a turn so I went down to retrieve the balls from the pool and toss them back up to the boys. Perry missed the hoop but almost got me. 

We said good night to each other and everyone went off to their rooms to go to sleep.

I just want to always remember tonight.

The most magical days are often the most simple.

*all of the above balcony pictures were taken at our family lifestyle photo shoot a few months ago. Only memory pictures were taken tonight