March 12, 2021

Valentine’s Day

My favorite holiday of all time is Valentine’s Day. 
Because LOVE.

I love having a day to celebrate being a family.

We started the day with a special breakfast.

These three worked together to decorate our mailbox especially for the holiday and for the delivery of valentines.

Definitely a highlight of the day was seeing them work together so happily.

All of our homemade valentine's were placed in the mailbox until later in the day when we delivered them to eachother.

Love notes are the best.

Snuggles are, too.

To celebrate Valentine's day it worked out that each person who wanted to led us in an activity.

Perry came up with a fun game. He divided us into two teams. On your turn, your team was given a picture that he had drawn. If you guessed what it was correctly, you won a point. Kacin dominated the game! 

Layla led us in a game of musical chairs, but with hearts.

Layla passed out gifts that she had bought for each person. She started shopping for everyone weeks before the big day and gave everyone gifts she knew they would love. Like, Raman noodles for Kyler and Kacin.

Kacin had generously brought home a DQ cake for our family. We set up a treasure hunt around the house to find the cake.

Yum. (and also Valentine's day is the last day that we keep christmas cards on the wall. They came down that afternoon.)

I took these two loves of mine on a hike at South Mountain that afternoon.

Mormon Trail to Fatman's pass is such a fun hike, mostly due to the rock slide.

Perry held baby for a nice long time that day. His first time really doting on her.

Yay for celebrations of family and love on Valentine's day!
(We missed Kyler a whole lot. He was up at a friend's cabin for the weekend.)