June 16, 2019

teenage boys

Remember when I mentioned the fun energy of teenage boys? Let me provide evidence here of what I mean.

They thought it would be pretty hilarious to show up at a party dressed like this:

So they did. They questioned their decision when I dropped them off, but they owned it. And it was a night they won’t soon forget.

These four boys have been together nonstop the first two weeks of summer. Mostly they swim and blow their money at Taco Bell or Dairy Queen. But they have also done plenty of babysitting of each others siblings (because apparently it takes four of them to babysit). And then they spend a lot of time sharpening up their natural skills, like their throw a hat and catch it on your head skills. And whatever else they do.

They have also been known to show up at the door delivering French fries to each other when one of them is in “solitary confinement.” 

They did willingly jump up and make a bunch of lunches for the homeless (our ward has the opportunity to serve the homeless every month).

And the afternoon that Kyler and Kacin had to stay home to put together their new ikea dresser, the other two boys just happened to show up at our house. And then were convinced to spend hours building the dresser. (Kyler is just pretending mad for the photo. He thrives at building things.)

See, I told you teenage boys are pretty great to have around.