May 31, 2019

Lee Lee’s Market and Pioneer Park

You would think we had walked into a museum the way we were all marveling over everything on display. But no, we were just in Lee Lee’s market. 

We walked aisle by aisle to wonder over all the interesting foods from countries around the world. My kids were especially enthralled by the live seafood and things like goat legs.

We all got super excited when we got to the Brazilian section and found Guarana and farofa! They don’t always have it in stock and it’s the only place we know of here to get it so we stocked up.

Things that make the above picture classic:
-Layla’s backwards shirt (she was cold in the market and put her arms in her shirt which twisted it all around)
-Layla’s attitude at that moment
-Eric’s grin
-Perry’s sensory chew sticking out of his mouth
-our arms loaded with Brazilian essentials
-the fact that we took a picture in a grocery store when most people that were there were just doing their regular grocery shopping and here we were loudly intrigued by everything 

After the market we went to play at the huge playground at pioneer park in Mesa to complete a simple, fun family outing. (Brinna is well take care of on the slides.)