August 7, 2018

back to school 2018

I love our shorter summer breaks and our longer breaks throughout the school year here in the desert. But, oh man, did this school year sneak right up on us! And after a summer unlike any other summer (surgery and chemo), we were obviously not as prepared for the school year.

Our back to school shopping dates happened. They just looked different. I took each of the kids out individually to pick out a backpack and a few basic supplies. But Eric came along for some of them and they were all super short trips. And it wasn't until the night before school started that I realized that Layla and Perry didn't even get as much as a new shirt to wear for the first day of school! Oh well. 

One of my biggest chemo worries was that I would be so sick I would miss taking my children to meet their teachers. I love that part of being a mom. It is important to me to share their excitement and comfort their nerves the first time they see their new classroom. And, admittedly, it’s for my sake too—I want to be able to picture where my kids are and that they are safe with someone I trust all day. The night before my first chemo, I received a priesthood blessing. It was a beautiful, comforting blessing. In it, I was blessed that my side effects would be minimal compared to what they could be and I would still be able to do the things as a mom that were important to me. So while my first chemo week was really, really hard and it was not easy on me (I was weak and cloudy brained and light headed), I made it to every back to school event! I call that a miracle. 

Eric dropped Kyler and I (I'm not safe to drive most days on this chemo) off at the High School. Yes, the high school!! Kyler is in high school now which is wild. We stood in some long lines, but we got his schedule and his fees paid. I might have embarrassed him because the line to pay fees was so long that I actually asked for a chair to sit back by the wall while Kyler stayed in line for awhile (I decided sitting for awhile like that was probably less embarrassing than passing out). Kyler was super nice about it, of course. He is a wonderful kid.

Later was Kacin's back to school. Eric came along for the first time. I was struggling that afternoon and needed him to drive (and hold me up, haha). We got Kacin's schedule and met his teachers. He is so ready for his 8th grade year. Jr. High is good to Kacin.

And then it was meet the teacher at the elementary school. Let's just say Layla was not enthusiastic about going back to school and meeting her teacher. But her teacher was really nice!

Perry was also not thrilled about starting school again. He has a new teacher, but because his autism program works closely together across the grades, he was familiar with the teacher and her room. He will shine as a second grader.

Remember how I said Layla was less than enthusiastic about starting school? Well, the first grade application her teacher asked her to fill out proves my point. Yep, she totally circled no when asked if she follows directions. When I questioned her answer, she said "Fine!" in defeat and erased it. Though the rest of the application didn't get much better. Oh, Layla girl! Ha! I will report though that after two weeks of school, she is doing well and she loves her new teacher.

First day of school pictures!

We thought we were going to avoid the early mornings when we moved to Arizona since they have release time seminary. Unfortunately, no. Kyler's full schedule has him leaving at 6:10am each morning. I'm so glad he is so responsible. I got up early the first morning to snap this picture, but haven't been up that early many days since. He's a good looking 9th grader.

Here's our sweet 1st grader.

Perry is thrilled to be in 2nd grade.

B needed in on the pictures.

There is a two hour difference between when Kyler leaves for school and Kacin. So Kacin has some time with us in the mornings, but his afternoons are terribly short.

He is such a fantastic 8th grader.

And he clearly loves back to school kisses from his dad.

School is off to a great start. The kids are blessed with good teachers, safe schools, lots of opportunities, and good friends around them. I know this school year will be a good one!