January 18, 2018


On MLK day, we loaded into the car and headed up to Prescott. I read Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech to my kids as we were driving. This book has such beautiful illustrations. And I love reading his powerful speech to my kids each year.

But one of my all-time favorite Martin Luther King, Jr quotes is this:

Image result for use me God quotes mlk

When we arrived in Prescott, we were held up by a march. I kind of loved seeing such a huge group of people walking together in his honor united by a desire for love and peace in this world.

We spent the rest of the day, visiting my aunt and uncle who recently moved there and exploring a few Prescott gems. We hiked around Watson Lake.

Layla has a deep love of rocks and joined her brothers in scrambling and climbing over all of the big rocks. They were so good about keeping her with them and helping her when her legs and arms weren't quite long enough.

The trails around the lake were plenty and it was hard to figure out which paths to take. Especially because we had Perry’s wheelchair with us (our only way to get him to come peacefully). On the really rocky sections, Eric carried the wheelchair (superhero Dad) while Perry walked. Perry wasn’t loving that we were off the main path and he had to do this. So at one open section by the water while the other kids were rock climbing he grabbed a stick and drew us a map in the dirt to help us get back. It was awesome. Love that kid.

We, also, stopped at the center of Prescott. My grandpa used to work in this building (agriculture).

Then we found his name on the WW2 memorial. I love that Grandpa of mine.

There is so much more to see and do in Prescott, but that’s all we could fit in a day trip (we had gymnastics classes to get home to that evening). I hope we can make it back up there again soon.