December 15, 2017

Light the World

Layla took the initiative that she needed to Light the World very literally this year.

She made sure to light her baby sister, too.

We've sat down a few times as a family and talked about things we can do to Light the World. We haven't been the greatest at following through, but we did get out and do one thing in our neighborhood. The kids decorated simple Merry Christmas tags, hole punched them, and tied each one to a candy cane.

The fun part was sneaking around the neighborhood in the dark to hide the candy canes. They mostly left them on the driver's side door handle of cars parked in the neighborhood, but Layla also wanted to leave one on the swings at the park for someone to find. And the older boys left one in the outgoing mailbox. (All I have is this blurry picture of Layla before she ran off to place her next candy cane)

When the activity days leader I work with at church was trying to come up with ideas for our activity this last week, I told her about our candy cane capers and so that's what we did with our girls. After they tied the candy canes, we went to a grocery store parking lot and left the candy canes on the cars (only on the driver's side door handle). The girls also did some impromptu christmas caroling next to the grocery store doors. They brought some light to the shoppers that night. I love these 10-11 year old girls!