October 15, 2017


My brain is fuzzy. Whether that is because we are on the tail end of fall break or because of this cold I am fighting off, I can not say.

In some ways this has been a most unproductive week. Because I haven’t felt well, things have not gone as I imagined they would this week. But for some reason Eric and I have been extra productive in getting some home projects done that we have needed to do for a long time. We have ordered hanging shelves for the garage, organized the entryway closets, made furniture decisions for our bedroom, and hung a shelf on the wall. We even hung up Halloween decorations as a family.

I am hoping I will shake this cold thing soon. I keep thinking I have and then it keeps coming back. You know, it is much easier to mother when you feel well. 

And I’ll end today with one more thing. I know I’ve said it before, but I love these quotes I get in my inbox from Gretchen Rubin. Some of them I find particularly striking. And I love this one because I think it’s true! Oh, so many ideas, thoughts, and my favorite conversations with people come from walking.