June 7, 2017

these days

This is our first full week of summer break. And I can't believe it is already Wednesday.

Kyler and Kacin are away at scout camp. Which means our house is quieter and cleaner. And our pantry and fridge is fuller than normal. But I am missing them like crazy!! This is the longest they have ever been away from us. Especially without being able to talk to each other on the phone. It is killing me. I just want to hear their voices and see those cute faces. and if it is this hard while they are at scout camp, I am already worried about how it will be when they are serving missions.


I came upon Layla playing school. It melted my heart because that's what I remember doing throughout my own childhood.

We had a foster care home inspection today. Our house is currently the cleanest it has been, all at one time, since we moved in. They really aren't even checking for cleanliness. It's a safety check. Medications locked, smoke detectors working, etc. Nonetheless, it was a good excuse to make sure everyone cleaned up their toys, made their beds, that the stairs were vacuumed, and everything was dusted. I give it 24 hours (or maybe less) before you really won't be able to tell that we tidied anything at all.

I love when my scale decides to knock off 40 pounds for no reason. But the next day those pounds were right back.


We are preparing for a birthday party for a little someone who is turning 6. She comes up with all sorts of ideas for the celebration. At lunch today she was talking about her birthday once again. This time Perry chimed in and told me that on his birthday he wants to walk in the house and then I will yell "Surprise!" at him. I love that idea.

I am reading a book called "Hillbilly Elegy" by JD Vance. I am half way through it. I do highly recommend it (warning: there is language in it). Last night, I realized the author of the book was my age. Like literally born within a month of me. Since when are authors my age? I thought the people who wrote books were adults, not my age. Wait, could I be getting old?

Go read the book anyways. It's very good.

We LOVE our pool. I am sooo grateful we have it. Perry did the cutest thing ever. He was getting changed into his swimsuit and then I went to check on him. When I found him, he showed me the flippers he made to help him kick in the water. He had cut and taped and he was so excited to try them out. Unfortunately, they din't work out as well as he hoped but kudos to him for his creativity.


I have the Leaning Tower of Pisa, in paper form, next to my computer. It's a tall tower. Which is why I keep avoiding it. And probably why it keeps growing taller. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will attack that stack of papers and get things sorted and cleaned up. Today I must go make brownies because I have a big group of activity days girls coming over in just a few hours for a swim party.