September 21, 2016

our new house

It was just over 7 months for the making. Our house.  

We were all thrilled when the day finally came to close on it and move in.

It was a crazy day. We had to do the final walk through the same day we closed because we had to be out of our rental. Which meant that there was still a long list (a little too long in my opinion) of things that had to be done on the house while we were moving our stuff in and getting settled. It has been a steady stream of people in and out the last few weeks. And we are still waiting on a few more things to be completed. But maybe I'm digressing here and I should just get back to the point that we were ecstatic to close and get the keys to our new home.


So we did our walk through in the morning and then dropped Layla off at school on our way to sign our lives away. 

They told me I had to sign my full name on all of he documents, including my middle name. My middle name starts with an "F". For the life of me, I could not remember what I was taught in 3rd grade about making a cursive "F". The escrow officer stepped out to get something and I quickly googled how to make a cursive "F." I was saved! 

After signing my name a hundred times in that stack of papers, I got pretty good at my cursive f. And then just like that the house was ours to transform into our home.

When the kids got home from school, we brought them with us to go pick up the keys.


We spent the rest of the weekend moving in, unpacking, installing fans, putting ikea furniture together. It was exhausting. And so Eric has sworn off moving ever again.

I promise pictures of the inside pretty soon!