November 10, 2015

12 years ago

We celebrated our 12th anniversary over the weekend. 12 years goes by quickly. I am the luckiest girl to be married to my best friend and the best man the world has ever known.

Marriage is not really easy for us. We are annoying people with a lot of faults. This takes work. At each anniversary, I like to think about the things that we are doing to make our marriage work so we can keep doing it. My number one answer always seems to be that we pray together. We go to bed at the same time and we never fall asleep without saying our prayers together. It means we have time to talk each night and then end our day with our hearts drawn out to Heavenly Father in prayer, together. Weekly date nights are also high priority. And the fact of Eric being a saint with a ton of patience and kindness does not hurt us either.

We celebrated 12 years all weekend long. We went out to dinner on Saturday. Then we came home and took all the kids with us to get frozen yogurt.

On sunday, all four of our children were in the Primary Program at church. What a great way to celebrate our marriage by seeing our four children share their testimonies and what they've been learning in primary! We are proud, happy parents that our marriage has been blessed with these four.

Side note: Perry used noise canceling headphones for the first time during church (he has used them at school) and it went well! hooray! He liked them and it helped.

Second side note: Kyler and Kacin were pretty awesome up there with their parts completely memorized! 

Eric took the day off on Monday and, thanks to some nice friends, we spent the entire day together just us two. We went shopping and then ate lunch and went hiking in Anacortes.

I guess another title of this post could have been "a bunch of Eric and Laura selfies".

Yay for 12 years!!