July 22, 2015

the blog remembers (with help from my iphone)

We were climbing over driftwood at Kalaloch beach last week when Kacin asked a question about something we had done. He couldn't remember if we had done it or not. Part of Kyler's response to his question was "The blog book remembers for me."

I laughed at that answer, probably because it's true! And it made me pleased that writing on this blog is doing some good for our little family. Our kids devour our yearly blog books over and over again.

I have been so busy these last few weeks, but I know it's important that I sit down here and play catch up. Because apparently this blog serves as Kyler's memory. :)

We will start with an exciting friday when my dad flew into Seattle! We found out he was coming just a few days before and we were thrilled. His plane was a bit delayed so we waited for awhile at the airport cell phone lot until he arrived.

We took him for a walk through the Bellevue Botanical Gardens. Kyler's head got a bit off of the trail . . .

The next day we went on a hike that leads to the beach. We had to wade through cold water to get to the beach.Nobody minded too much.

This was our first hike without a stroller! We only had to carry little bodies for part of the way back. Thank goodness for Papa who kindly volunteered his shoulders for Perry to ride.

My mom joined us on Sunday, but then my parents went to a hotel to be closer to my dad's conference. We drove down to see them twice and we took advantage of the warm weather and the hotel pool.

This is also the week Layla and Perry had their first swim lessons. They both loved it. It was only on the last day that Perry kept running away from his teacher and then dropped himself on the ground and refused to move. I was glad it was the last day!