June 18, 2015

Preschool at an end

I have spent the last four years teaching preschool out of my home. I have so much fun teaching so I felt so lucky to be doing something I love and getting to stay home and be mom, too. It has been wonderful.

But my role as mom has gotten a bit busier than it was when I first started teaching and only had two kids. I got a feeling this year that it would be right to step away from preschool for awhile and focus on my family. So I made the decision not to teach next year. It was such a bittersweet conclusion to come to. I will miss teaching, but I'm so excited to put more of my time and energy into our home and family.

Here is the end of preschool Teddy Bear picnic and program.

The kids split into three groups to play a variety of picnic games.

They ate teddy bear shapd pb&j's, teddy grahams, gummy bears, and more with their teddy bears and friends.

The kids sang three songs for their parents, A Tooty Ta, Preschool is Fun (to the tune of zip-a-dee-do-dah), and You've Got a Friend in Me. They also each told us what they wanted to be when they grow up. Layla said she wants to be a "doctor office".

I passed out certificates and gave a balloon to each of the kiddos for a job well done this year.

I will miss my little preschool friends.