May 31, 2015

families are forever celebration

the A is for Allred.
Allred's All together for Always

We decided last year that we will celebrate our sealing in the temple as a forever family over Memorial day weekend each year. It's more simple this way, rather than trying to remember each adoption and sealing date.

We took the kids to walk around the temple grounds on sunday evening. We ate a picnic dinner in the parking lot while we talked about the temple. We ate texas sheet cake, too.

I'm glad we've made this opportunity to talk with our kids each year about the temple and what we do there. The temple is a holy, sacred place. It is important to me. And the fact that we have been sealed as a forever family and I get to be their eternal mother is important to me, too.

Even though many moments of motherhood go like this:

 No, we were not dancing. He is trying to run away from a hug and the camera and I am trying to wrestle him back.

Deep down he loves this, I'm sure.

Perry found a new mom while we were at the temple.

With the biggest grin, he called her mommy over and over and wouldn't stop hugging her. Haha! 

We played with another family, too.

Before we left the temple, we pulled out our journals. The boys found quiet places to sit and write while E and I helped Layla and Perry write in theirs.

May 29, 2015

Electric Run

It's Electric!

It was a super fun, low-key 5K. We had a blast!

May 28, 2015

these days

We have definitely hit park weather here in the Northwest.

It's baseball weather, too. Kacin loves playing.

After Hazel's baby blessing, we spent time with the Nielsen's. Layla told me she was babysitting.

Perry took a turn pushing, too.

Kacin just tried to take a turn in the swing.

Kyler brought his 5th grade science far project to the school science fair.

We love to play dr. around here.

There was a huge hail storm a few weeks ago. It was such a rare treat to even hear thunder and lightening. I miss big storms like in Arizona so I enjoyed this one.

I went on a date with my little man to get lemonade "juice" from MOD Pizza.

A couple of cute chefs . . .

Perry's teachers have been working really hard to help shift his behavior at school to be more positive. He did well at school last year and most of this year and E and I were starting to think it was just us he had all of these behavior challenges with. I'll admit, I felt slightly validated when his teachers started seeing the same things at school that we've been describing all along. But of course that brought with it a whole slew of challenges and creativity on our part and with his teachers to help him be successful at school and on the bus. He was quite proud of the sticker he brought home one day when it went well.

"Take a picture of me, mom!"

A morning at the zoo . . .

I've spent many an hour sorting and inputting girls camp registration forms. Our table has been covered with paperwork. YW camp is quickly approaching!

One of Layla's latest acts of mischief. She found the marker in the trash and did some decorating.

Hugs at the museum!

We got a bike trailer to pull Perry and now, with Layla in the seat on the back of my bike, we have been on many happy family bike rides. Why didn't we do this sooner?

Summer is just a few weeks away!! :)