April 22, 2015


On Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We remember His life, death, and the fact that He lives again. Because He lives, I can live forever with this little family of mine, in which I have so much fun with, and I can have hope and peace throughout my life.

We spent our Easter weekend soaking in as many talks from our church leaders as we could during general conference. (I fear we may be in a difficult stage to all really listen for quite some time, especially with our little autistic man, but we tried our best and were inspired by all that we heard.)

Sprinkled around the spiritual nourishment of general conference, we had some fun with easter eggs, egg hunts, friends, and easter baskets.

All we needed was a simple eye dying kit and some crayons.

We have the tradition of coloring an egg especially for each member of our family. This year, we drew names because we were low on eggs. We posed with our finished eggs before we passed them out to each other.

Nice modeling. :) 
I love this man.

This girl could've colored eggs all day. Tears were shed when it was time to stop.

We found books and a few goodies in our easter baskets.

Time to find the eggs the easter bunny hid in our backyard.

Here is some of that Allred competition.

My family tradition growing up was to get water guns in our easter baskets and to have a water fight in our house. With those happy memories in mind, there was silly string in our baskets this year.

Not everyone had fun getting sprayed with string.

But everyone loved doing the spraying.

 While Easter eggs were being hid, the kids were kept entertained.

All of our kids loved egg hunting this year.

It was fun searching with friends.

Is that Eric reaching for Kacin's easter candy?

We held the annual easter egg toss.
E and I were out pretty quickly.

Those Nielsen's practice during the year or something. Even with a baby wrapped to her, Julie beat us.

Our Easter weekend was a good one.