December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

My boys were all smiles on thanksgiving day.

Spending the day with your family equates to this, apparently.

Maybe it was because they were jealous that their mother is such an amazing super model.

That's the picture that will soon be adorning the world's walls. I tell you what.

At least eric still loves me.

 E worked from home all day on Thanksgiving, and the day after, and the day after, and so on. I was soo grateful to have Jenny around.

Her favorite niece and nephews were pretty happy to have her around for a week, too.

Kacin told me to walk towards the sink. He was pretty proud of the fact he got a picture of me (an Allred) walking under the Allred sign in the kitchen.

He captured this gem, too. I can't blame him. It's my fault for posing this way.

But I do love that he caught me kissing an owie all better. I wasn't even posing. See, I am nice sometimes.

In between running reports and phone calls, E smoked another delicious turkey while Jen and I cooked up the rest of our evening feast.


We ate our meal in courses because we were starved and the turkey wasn't quite ready yet. During each course we shared what we were thankful for.

I am so thankful for this family of mine.