October 2, 2014

these days

"Look at my castle beautiful!"

She makes a lot of different kinds of "castle beautifuls".

Eric, Kyler, and Kacin finally finished their summer puzzle. One piece was lost along the way. We always lose just one piece.

Perry went through a stage in which he put his cars to sleep all over the house.

He parked them and covered them with blankets. Once he even sang lullaby to them.

This is his favorite car as of late. He has slept with the white car in his bed with him the last two nights.

The white car needed a nap.

I have learned not to clean up blankets strewn throughout my house because I should never wake a sleeping car.

Layla spends a lot of time creating art.

One sunday night game night Kacin convinced us to play the game of Life. I was rich.

A couple days ago Perry's therapist/behavior coach was at our house to help with a play date. Perry had a meltdown at the start. And it lasted all but 10 min of the hour with the little friend here. We tried all sorts of things. Then the therapist said she didn't know what to do, and she was the professional. I don't know if I should be comforted by that (see, it's not just me!) or worried. We both know the best solution is a bigger house with a safe space/room for him to calm down. Insurance doesn't cover bigger houses. We are thinking on other solutions.

In the meantime, I get a break when Handy Manny or Curious George are on.

Layla plays library.

One day two of my sisters posted pictures of their children sleeping in funny ways. So we sent them this one so we didn't feel left out.

When therapy was canceled one afternoon, I felt like dancing. An unexpected free afternoon! We went to the zoo. Layla and Perry loved seeing all of the animals, and taking pictures with the fake ones, too.