July 19, 2014

all together

The last four weeks have gone like this:
Right after school got out I left Eric at home and took three kids to Idaho for a long weekend.
The following Thursday Eric drove all the way to Wyoming and back in three days to swap Kyler for Kacin.
The next weekend Eric left with the boys to go backpacking.
Two days after he returned, he left on a high adventure with the Young Men in our ward for the rest of the week.
A few days later, I left for five days at girls camp.

And that brings us to today.

I am home. Eric is home. Life has been busy. The rest of the summer doesn't look like it will slow down, but at least our little family will be all together. I like that. And all of these little trips have made me appreciate just how much I like that.

A girl at camp shared her thoughts about oatmeal and people with us. In a good bowl of oatmeal, she explained, you need oats, milk, sugar, and fruit. Each of those different ingredients are super important in making a yummy bowl of oatmeal just like different people are important. Even if you are a small grain of sugar you play a part in making the yumminess. That yummy bowl of oatmeal can be compared to a family too. Each ingredient, each person helps make the best oatmeal possible and you would notice if something is missing. The bowl of oatmeal is best with every ingredient. Our family is the happiest all together.

And here I will slip in cute little pictures of "ta-da's" on our last day of gymnastics class.