December 28, 2012

and then comes 31

There's no better way to celebrate an Eric birthday 
than with a trip to the zoo.
And because Eric is so lucky
his day also included a car sick baby
(vomit everywhere)
and the new restaurant he was excited to try 
on holiday.
Bummer of events.
But the zoo itself was nice. . .

And so even though we had to clean up lots of puke
and eat icky overpriced zoo food,
the day redeemed itself because
we made sure that he also had waffles for breakfast and pumpkin pie for dessert.
with my mom in town E and I snuck out at night to see The Hobbit.

Hope you had a great birthday, Mr. Allred!
You are adored by each of us.
And still the favorite son-in-law. :)