November 27, 2012

He Went and Turned Nine

Nine years old.
That is a big number.
He told me it was his best birthday ever.
I love it when joy beams from his eyes.

A few Fridays ago
Kyler invited just a few of his friends
over for a party.
He loved this party.
I loved this party.
Easy and fun and relaxed.
The night before the party,
after getting the ok from all the moms
to show a PG-13 movie,
Ky and I went to the party store
and I let him pick out
a few things Avengers.
This boy was soooo happy.
Maybe it's because we are
frugal and cheap parents to begin with,
but he thanked me over and over again
for everything I was getting him
and told me I was spending sooo much money on him.
He is worth everything and more!
But what a sweet boy.

At the party,
there was pizza,
a Captain America dart game,
cake and ice cream
and the watching of Avengers.

Ky decorated his own cake!

These are some fun boys!

On Kyler's actual birthday,
Kacin and I sent him on a scavenger hunt
through the house to find his presents.

After the presents,
all the phone calls,
and his requested dinner of burritos and dirt cake,
this boy knew he was loved
and told me it was his best birthday ever.
Happy Birthday, Ky!