October 14, 2011

Soccer Season

The season has come and gone.
I never took any pictures with their trophies like I usually do.
But I had good reason.
Trophy day was my big Temple walk day
so I missed Kacin's game and
came to Kyler's straight from the temple
absolutely exhausted and starving.
Then Kacin barfed up his treats from his trophy party and an earlier birthday party
so I missed Kyler's party.
Then Kyler barfed because he pigged out on pizza, cake, and soda.
No pictures of that day.
Luckily, I got pictures from other games during the season.
Even some with Kyler's Coach, Eric.
Are all soccer coaches as cute as this man?

Stefanie Hyer said...

Whoah! So cool! I didn't know Eric was coaching Kyler's team? Or co-coaching!! Sooo cool! I bet Kacin was jealous! =) Sad it is over! You are so cute Laura! Love seeing pictures of you guys!