August 27, 2011

The Reason for our Trip

is what brings us to AZ today.

Natalie and Cheston
were married in the Gila Valley Arizona Temple.
It was just lovely.
We are so happy for them.
However, I find it pretty lame that I never took a picture of them.
But we snapped a few before the reception
with some of E's family.

Grandma Mary (Allred side)

 More Allred's: Us with Grandma Mary, Aunt Velda, and E's parents

 Grandma Merrell

 The boys buddy, Aunt Adele
 Stuart, too

Congratulations, Nat and Cheston!
Natalie said...

you have exactly 1 more pictures from my wedding day than I do.... Sad face.

Natalie said...

I meant 10 more pictures! shoot!