March 20, 2011


Count 'em.
That's 5.
a 5K.
I can check that 2011 goal off the list.
The story behind my run:
I set that goal at the beginning of the year.
And then after talking with my friend,
who is preparing for her first marathon,
I completely changed my mind about wanting to run.
I resigned myself to the fact that my body was not made for running.
I came to terms with it and started thinking
I should go back and change my 2011 goal.
And then I brought Kyler to his piano lesson.
My friend Dzana is his teacher.
She had seen my post
and asked me if I wanted to start running with her.
Literally the day before
I had come to the conclusion not to be a runner
and here my decision was being challenged.
Overcome my running fears and join her?
Or try to be content knowing I gave up on the idea?
I went home to think about it and
then took it as a sign that I shouldn't abandon my goal.
We made a plan to take it really easy
so we would stick with it, and not get hurt.
We were excited when our friend Christy agreed to join us.
It's now been about two months since we started.
We have increased our distance, our speed,
and the number of days we run.
We meet 4 mornings a week
and I LOVE it.
I truly do.
It was so hard to wake up so early at first,
but now I feel so good.
And I'm not as grumpy in the mornings as I used to be.

I was going to wait until the end of the summer to do any kind of race,
but we heard about our local Y's 5K.
I figured it would be a most nonthreatening, low-key event
but I could still claim it that I ran in a 5K once.
Because I'm probably too cheap to ever pay to be in one again.

Race day came!
It was a fun, no pressure event on a beautiful day.
We got a number,
we ran,
we finished,
we grabbed a snack
and we carried our goody bags home
(yeah for the t-shirt and water bottle!).
I look forward to many more running mornings with these girls.
Darcee said...

Good for you!!

chelsea :: stock said...

you go, girl.

Stefanie Hyer said...

Good for you! You can run for me cuz I don't think I can get myself to do that!

The Kovar Family said...

I'm so glad that you decided to run with me. :)