November 18, 2017

day of gratitude

Six days until Thanksgiving!

Sometimes I wish I had it together enough to write about something I’m thankful for each day in November. My gratitude list is long. I have so much to be thankful for. Instead, I’m going to give you a list of just ten things I am grateful for today.

1. Eric! He came home from China last night. He was gone for just over a week and to say we missed him would be an understatement. He is my best friend and my everything.

2. Prayer. The last few months, especially, my heart has been so grateful for the power of prayer. I have experienced miracle after miracle because of it. I receive peace and comfort. I get answers. It strengthens my family and my marriage. I know there is a loving Heavenly Father who hears all of our prayers.

3. Podcasts and books. I’m trying to replace some time-wasting habits I fell into with more learning. I love listening to podcasts (my favorites are still Power of Moms and Happier with Gretchen Rubin) and reading. I have already read three books in the last month. I feel so much better all around when I use my time better in these ways.

4. Good people around us. The parents on Perry’s baseball team, sweet neighbors, dedicated teachers at school, some wonderful people we have met at church, and others! We are surrounded by kind, supportive, caring, and inspiring individuals. I am so grateful for that! (Especially this week because we had two different people surprise us with meals this week when they knew Eric was out of town.)

5. Good health and good doctors. Everyone on our family has been blessed with strong healthy bodies. What an amazing blessing that is! Sure, we have our fair share of sore throats, allergies, and sore muscles. But, really, we are healthy enough to do all of the things we would ever need to do or want to do in this world. And when things do come up (like Kacin’s ears) I am grateful for good doctors and for medicine to help us.

This picture grosses me out, but it shows Kacin’s ear in the process of healing from his surgery. Our bodies are amazing!

6. Children, especially my own. Children are light. They are easy to forgive others, quick to enjoy and to love, willing to help, ready to learn. They say the funniest, truest things. And have always been my greatest teachers. I love my calling in church, volunteering in the school, and mostly being a mom. Motherhood brings me the greatest joy. I am grateful for these children of mine.

7. This beautiful world. Fresh air, sunsets, looming mountains, green grass, red rocks, yellow, there are some lovely things in this world! I am grateful for the variety of things to look at, touch, and smell. Beauty can be found everywhere we look.

8. Things with wheels. We are blessed with a quality stroller, a nice roomy car, and bikes for everyone. And I will throw in how grateful I am for grocery carts when I shop, too!

9. Sacred things. Taking the sacrament each week, temples, wearing garments. I am grateful for the peace, blessings, and protection of sacred things and the closeness I feel to my Father in Heaven because of them.

10. America. I’m grateful for our freedoms, education, opportunities, and safety. I love being an American. I am grateful for all of those who serve to protect and lead our country. Even though I don’t really like everyone who gets elected to positions in the government, I have a deep respect for our system of government