May 25, 2016

family nights

We played "Stinker" on Monday night as a family. It was Perry's turn to pick the activity. So his older brothers heavily influenced him to pick Stinker.

I am so glad we have a scheduled family night each week. Having it on the calendar helps to make sure it happens. Actually, we now have two family nights on the calendar each week. We are four weeks strong into this new routine and it is working out well for us right now.

Sunday evenings we have a family calendaring/council meeting. It starts with a song and prayer and then we go over the upcoming week day by day. We eat our family home evening treats while we calendar. If anyone has any family council business we discuss it next. After the prayer, it is Sunday night game night.

Monday night is our second family home evening. We make it official with one person conducting the meeting. We sing, pray, and recite our family theme. Then it is lesson and prayer. Sometimes we do an activity, but I am lobbying for the activity to just be our Sunday night game. We added something new to Monday nights--talent show!

Each monday night, each person must perform a "talent". We have seen push ups, dances, a monologue, songs, and jokes. I'm a fan of this new tradition.

Both of our family nights are kept short and simple and that works for us right now. Hooray for family night!